Announcement of change of a member of the Company's Business Ethics and Sustainable Development Committee | Sinyi Realty Inc. | Investor Relations

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Announcement of change of a member of the Company's Business Ethics and Sustainable Development Committee

Subject:Announcement of change of a member of the Company's Business Ethics and Sustainable Development Committee
To which item it meetsparagraph 6
Date of events 2024/7/31

1.Date of occurrence of the change:2024/07/31
2.Name of the functional committees:Business Ethics and Sustainable Development Committee
3.Name of the previous position holder:Chou, Chuang-Yun
4.Resume of the previous position holder:the Company's vice general manager
5.Name of the new position holder:to be announced after by-election.
6.Resume of the new position holder:not applicable
7.Circumstances of change (Please enter “resignation”, “dismissal”, “term expired”, “death” or “new appointment”):resignation
8.Reason for the change:resignation for his retirement from the Company
9.Original term (from __________ to __________):2023/10/27~2025/5/18
10.Effective date of the new member:no
11.Any other matters that need to be specified:none.