Board of directors resolution to permit managerial officers to engage in competitive conduct | Sinyi Realty Inc. | Investor Relations

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Board of directors resolution to permit managerial officers to engage in competitive conduct

Subject: Board of directors resolution to permit managerial officers to engage in competitive conduct
To which item it meetsparagraph 21
Date of events 2024/7/15

1.Date of the board of directors resolution:2024/07/15
2.Name and title of the managerial officer with permission to engage in competitive conduct:Vice President Wang Xian-zhi, senior manager Jiang Yuan-qi and senior manager Chen Han-wen
3.Items of competitive conduct in which the officer is permitted to engage: They may concurrently serve as the managers of other profit-making enterprises, and may operate similar businesses as the Company on their own or for others.
4.Period of permission to engage in the competitive conduct:the period when served as managerial officers of the Company
5.Circumstances of the resolution (please describe the results of voting in accordance with Article 32 of the Company Act):resolved by the board meeting
6.If the permitted competitive conduct belongs to the operator of a mainland China area enterprise, the name and title of the managerial officer (if it is not the operator of a mainland China area enterprise, please enter “N/A” below):N/A
7.Company name of the mainland China area enterprise and the officer's position in the enterprise:Not applicable
8.Address of the mainland China area enterprise:Not applicable
9.Operations of the mainland China area enterprise:Not applicable
10.Impact on the company's finance and business:Not applicable
11.If the managerial officer has invested in the mainland China area enterprise, the monetary amount of the investment and the officer's shareholding ratio:Not applicable
12.Any other matters that need to be specified:none.