Communication Status Between Independent Directors, Auditor-General, and CPA | Sinyi Realty Inc. | Investor Relations

Sinyi Realty
Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Communication Mechanism

The Company’s internal audit head reports to the Audit Committee (independent directors) about the audit plans for the ensuing year and attends all the board meetings and the AC committees and reported to them about the implementation of the audit on the internal control system. In case of an extraordinary event, the internal audit head would report to the Audit Committee forthwith. The Audit Committee may directly inquire with the internal audit head or Certified Public Accountant.  A Certified Public Accountant may, as well, directly report without being accompanied by the management, to the Audit Committee about the audit or recheck findings and suggestions.  They have been in very intimate communications and interactions. They had arranged a meeting of independent directors, auditors, and accountants on 22 February, 29 April, 30 July and 30 October 2024, the auditing unit notified each business unit and department to identify and report the risk at all levels to the 2024 annual budget meeting. When the risk is significant and identified as a group-level risk, it shall be supervised and controlled by the related senior high management and be reported to the BOD periodically.